Enable Landscape For HomeScreen Android April 2014

07:51 0 Comments

Everyone likes to experiencre something new in his life.Today i will show you how to be able to rotate your home screen on Android.Bothered by having your phone flip to portrait or landscape while laying down? Too lazy to look around Android settings to enable/disable autorotate? Mrad4Tech is the solution.

Rotation Locker From Play store
Android Device
No Root is Needed

*Rotation Locker Features

- Lock your screen's rotation in Landscape, Portrait or Auto. When you launch the app, you're faced with these three options.
- Includes a Tasker/Locale plugin so you can automate the rotation switch based on different profiles.
- Ability to launch the app from any window in Android by long pressing on the search key. (Only for devices that have a physical search button).
- Long press on any orientation profile to activate a persistent background service. (This is useful if your phone seems to exit the locked orientation all of a sudden due to low memory resources).
- A widget is provided so you can lock into whatever your current orientation is. (Useful for reverse landscape for example).

Rotation Locker   https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.devasque.rotationlocker&hl=en


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google