Facebook starts rolling out voice calling support for Android Messenger users in US

09:50 0 Comments

Facebook had earlier updated its iOS app with the voice calling feature, which had allowed the users to make free calls from US to Canada. Now, the social networking giant has started to roll out the voice calling support features to its Messenger users in US.
The latest service from the popular website requires its Facebook Messenger application to be installed on the smartphone for obvious reasons. After that all you need to to to initiate a call is head on to your contact list, open a message, and then hit the “I” button, which is located in the top right corner. You should immediately notice the option for “Free Call”.
If the “Free Call” button is white, then the user can receive a call, while grey color shows the option is unavailable.
There is no application update required and the latest feature should be rolling out very soon.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google