Fix Images Thumbnails not showing in Blogger

04:23 0 Comments

Hello bloggers from this post i will teach you how can you easily fix image thumbnail not appearing problem in your blog.some time you might have noticed your entire image thumbnails suddenly got disappeared from the homepage of your blog.then you thinking that you may have done some unnecessary editing to your blogger template, which might be the reason image thumbnails are not appearing on the homepage or archive pages.but don't worry it's not your fault, this is the new bug that recently blogger users are facing.if you are facing this problem then let start and fix this problem Follow below steps...

Step:- 1 Go to your blogger >>>>dashboard and then go to >>>>posts.. (Watch below image)

Step:- 2 Now select your post (image thumbnail not showing problem post)

Step:- 3 Now click on edit button (Watch below image)

Step:- 4 Now click  on HTML tab (Watch below image

Step:- 5 Now click ctrl + f  key from your keyboard

Step:- 6 Now find for the following code https://

Step:- 7 Now replace all the URLs that are starting with https:// to http://(Watch below image

Step:- 8 Now hit on update post button and publish your post 

Step :- 9 Go back and reload your home page, now your image thumbnails will start appearing again on your homepage ...

Note:- If u like this post please give me your comments for your feedback suggestion or help.Thanks..!


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google