[Latest]iLauncher 3.4.4 Cracked APK Free Download

10:36 0 Comments



iLauncher is the launcher that elaborately mimics the home screen of iOS.
UI is clear and intuitive so that it can be used without any instructions.
Some different UI operations include:
  • Short touch on any icon in editing mode will show customization menu.
  • Back key will operate as home key.

What’s New

  • Supports search in tablet layout.
  • Adjusted some animation details.

How to install?

  1. Save the downloaded .apk on your android phone’s SD card
  2. Run and install it
  3. That’s it,Enjoy! :)
via onhax.net

 iLauncher 3.4.4 Cracked APK (2.7 Mb) | Mirrors



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