Turn of your device Remotely from anywhere in the world with this app
everyone of us forgets his android phone at home or in other place sometimes,and of course we don't want others to read our data and use our device, or you may be having fun and kidding with friends and you want to surprise them with their phone powering of with only a message LOL,Their look will be very funny hahahaha...
so today i brought you an app that lets you turn your android device remotely with just a message,yes,the device doesn't have to be connected to same network or other stuffs,all you need is your provider and this app below.
for this we will use an app called remote power off,this app when installed on your deivce will ask for a pascode that will turn off your device whenever a message with it is recieved by the phone,for exaample if the passcode is 'Mrad4Tech" then if you send "Mrad4Tech" by as text message to your device ,your device will turn off.simply
How to install
Download the zip from here and install[extract it then go to system/app]
open the app and enter in the first space "null" , and in the other spaces your passcode that will turn your phone off, and click on save Secret code.
now the app will close,thats normal.use any device {u can use yours } to test if the service is working,so send your secret code to your phone number and you will see
Note be sure to follow my blog and like my post or else this will not work