Mrad4Tech is Back to YouTube with Legal Videos

04:40 0 Comments

Yes,Mrad4Tech is now Back on YouTube to Upload Videos,but this time Legal ones,this means there is no more APK Hacks,Cracks,Modds...The Channel will no more have Illegal Videos.

The main subject the Channel will be about Android Studio,HTML,and windows with some Android Reviews and News,But no Hacks.and i have ploaded 4 videos till now 2 of them are about android studio and one for android
So my followers please be sure to subscribe to my new Yo-tube channel and help me get back my 600 subscriber i had on my old channel that was closed.

subscribe here


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google