How to add Dotted Separator between Blogger Posts [like the one i am using now ]

06:57 0 Comments

To add separation lines go to your Blog's Dashboard --> Template --> Customize --> Advanced --> Add CSS... Now paste the following code in the box that says Add Custom CSS:

For Solid Line

.post { border-bottom: 3px solid Gray !important; }

For Dotted Line

.post { border-bottom: 3px dotted Gray !important; } 

For 2 parralel lines

.post { border-bottom: 3px double Gray !important; } 

This code will add a Line below every Gadget on your Sidebars. You can now adjust it to make it the way you want.

A) Where it says "1px", change the number until you reach the size you want for your separation line.
B) Where it says "solid", replace it with dotted, or solid, or double, - to chage the style of the line - and see which one you like best.
C) Where it says "Gray",replace it with the name of the color you want 
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That's it, done!


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google