Translate Text in Images

07:25 0 Comments

Hi everyone,
sometimes you see or someone sends you a picture or image that conatins text in it and you dont understand that text because it is not your langauge...In this cause,Normally you must type the text and translate it..But with Mrad4Tech you dont need just save or capture the picture and translate it .. HOW???????

First, be sure to have a clear image for what you want to translate because if you it is not clear the translator may tralste wrong as this

Next,Go to and upload your image and fill the caption

Then,Click on send file and enjoy but this doesnt work sometimes and an error shows
Note:- If u like this post please give me your comments for your feedback suggestion or help.Thanks..!


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google